Since ItoVault has already sunsetted vSPY and is in the processing of sunsetting vVTI and vSPACEX, we have taken the token links off the main page and put them here to ensure we can add additional notes for users using this system.
vSPACEX Uniswap Pool. Notes before you use:
- vVSPACEX is sunsetting by 12/30/2021. Therefore, if you haven’t used vSPACEX before, and are looking just to get exposure, we don’t recommend you start buying vSPACEX at this point.
- If you currently have tokens, the above is one way to cash out.
- Please note carefully how the vSPACEX price will be settled.
- If you are creating or increasing your vSPACEX vault at this point, note that the newly created amount will not qualify for the $210/token favored settlement price.
vVTI Uniswap Pool. Notes before you use:
- vVTI is sunsetting by 12/30/2021. Therefore, if you haven’t used vVTI before, and are looking just to get exposure, we don’t recommend you start buying vVTI at this point.
- If you currently have tokens the above is one way to cash out.
vSPY Uniswap Pool. Already sunsetted as of 10/1/21. Note before you use:
- Because the August pre-announced 10/1/2021 has passed:
- vSPY no longer updates to SPY price.
- There may no longer be liquidity on Uniswap.
- Final Settlement and Final Support has already occurred.
- Using Uniswap or any of the factory smart contract functions (with the exception of settleConvertvSPYtoWei() ) has not been planned past Final Support date. Please use at your own risk. Function calls may have unanticipated or unadvertised behavior.
- You can indefinitely try to redeem your vSPY value using the settleConvertvSPYtoWei() function. Nonetheless, ItoVault cannot provide support for even this.
Mint vSPY Link — not recommended. Already sunsetted as of 10/1/2021. Note before you use:
- Do NOT mint new vSPY.
- Minting vSPY today (after Final Settlement and Final Support was not designed for) and completely undefined / unanticipated behavior may occur.
- Please manually inspect the smart contract and code and state to ensure what you’re doing matches what you intend to do.