If you just want to own vSPACEX, you can do so directly on Uniswap here. You don’t need to use the tooling system specified below.

To encourage transparency and rapid development of vSPACEX, the tooling system will be the official etherscan verified contract write interface. If you have not used etherscan to write to a contract before, this link is a helpful starter.

If You Want to Deposit ETH into a Vault to Generate vSPACEX

First, deposit ETH into your vault by either sending ETH directly to the smart contract, or by using the payable depositWei function.  Note that the code for both are the same.

Then, use the lendvSPACEX function to request an amount of vSPACEX token to receive.

Note on integer inputs and decimals: Both ETH and vSPACEX have 18 digits of precision.  This means that depositing 1 ETH is the same as depositing 1,000,000,000, 000,000,000 integer units (wei) of ETH.  If you would like to receive 1 unit of vSPACEX, you would need to run lendevspacex with  1,000,000,000 ,000,000,000 as the integer input (omit all commas and spaces).

If You Want to Repay vSPACEX Debt

You may want to repay vSPACEX debt in order to release the wei locked in your vault, or to meet a margin call. Ensure your wallet has the vSPACEX tokens you want to repay.  Then run repayvSPACEX.  Again, the input is an integer, and vSPACEX token has 18 decimals of precision.  Thus, if you want to repay 3.14 tokens, you should enter 3,140,000,000 ,000,000,000 (omit commas and spaces).

If You Want to Withdraw ETH from your Vault

Run withdrawWEI with the integer argument being the number of weis you’d like to withdraw.

If You Want to Check Which Vaults are Noncompliant with Margin.

Run findNoncompliantVaults.  This function is a view function, which means it costs no gas to run! Put in the input the maximum number of noncompliant vaults you want it to find (e.g. 1 if you want the function to stop at the first noncompliant vault, or 1000 if you want to find up to 1000 noncompliant vaults).

If the function returns an array with a zero address in one or more of the last slots, it means the function has found every noncompliant address.

If You Want to Perform Other Functions

The above cover the most common functions that a vSPACEX token issuer will want to use.  Numerous other functions accessible to users also exist. Our verified code is self-documenting, using long readable English names that explain the function, and having plentiful comments.  

If you have questions about other functions you want to use, please go onto our Discord channel and ask! If two or more people ask about the same function, we’ll write it up here!

That’s all — click here to start using the tooling for vSPACEX!

[1] Users of the ItoVault system before $100K of TVL (which occurred before the end of April 2021) are considered Founding Users and would get more substantial rewards (e.g. airdrops) after ItoVault crosses $100K TVL IF a governance token comes out and it is decided some of these governance tokens would go to past users.  After $100K TVL is reached, ItoVault endeavors to build a thorough UX system. The above is not a guarantee and more a good-faith statement of endeavor.